Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Man's Quest

Greece said...Be wise, know yourself.
Rome said...Be strong, discipline yourself.
Judaism says...Be holy, conform yourself.
Epicureanism says...Be sensous, enjoy yourself.
Education says...Be resourceful, expend yourself.
Psychology says...Be confident, fulfill yourself.
Materialism says...Be acquisitive, please yourself.
Pride says...Be superior, promote yourself.
Asceticism says...Be inferior, suppress yourself.
Diplomacy says...Be reasonable, control yourself.
Communism says...Be collective, secure yourself.
Humanism says...Be capable, trust yourself.
Philanthrophy says...BE unselfish, give yourself.

And on and on and on goes the quest of man. No wonder people are confused! Pick any from this smorgasboard of human philosophy, then digest it completely...and you will find yourself suffering from the worst case of indigestion imaginable. It may smell good and even satisfy your rhetorical palate during the time you are consuming it...but it will leave you hungry, uneasy, and searching for something else to satisfy.

And so it is! Look across your work table tomorrow and chances are you'll be observing a living example of someone still searching, still running to find their inner satisfaction. Step out in front of your apartment or home tomorrow morning and look both ways...listen to the roar of automobiles...study the dwellings surrounding you. Those sights and sounds represent people who have, like Little Bo-Peep's sheep, "lost their way," and, tragedy upon tragedy - they don't know where to find it.

Many of them have tried "to be religious" or "live by the golden rule," or "tie a knot and hang on," or "be sincere," but they're still running blind and bored and baffled.

They are attempting to fill the inner vacuum with "everything but the only thing." you name it, it's being tried.

Someone had said, an agnostic:

'Life is narrow veil between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry."

This is best decribed as DON'T FOLLOW ME...I'M LOST

But simply, God says...Be in Christ, rest yourself.

And there's no better way to put it.


Blogger quirkie-boi said...

Happiness is what we are all looking for...if found, that's the time we can say our lives are fulfilled...
Good luck to us all...

9:45 PM  

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