Thursday, May 10, 2007

New Beginnings

I consulted my Angel cards this morning and I ask for an insight on a certain issue that I have been going through.

You see, a special person is leaving and I feel like we were never given enough time to really get to know each other and develop the friendship into a much, much deeper level.

But I told him that we will try to continue what we have for as long as we can. Long distance relationship is really hard, especially for me when I am a physical person. I love the intimacy and the togetherness.

My angel showed me this card, The Guardian Angel of Children.
In the Bible, Jesus called the children around him and played with them, and told the people, we should be like the children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Of course, not in a literal sense for that would be absurd. It is the enthusiasm for things, to explore new horizons, new beginnings and doing it with heart.

I feel like my angel is telling me to begin to cherish this new relationship and work at it with my heart. To try to accept the situation and work on it with excitement and love.

Everyone has this inner child inside, longing to be loved and cared for, mine is yearning.
I just have to open the door and let someone's love in and hold my inner child in his arms.


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