Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Survey

what is your full name? charlemagne

nicknames? carlo, charlie, charles, magno, baby, dahling, pssst!

where do you live? kawit, cavite

what color underwear are you wearing right now? blue low rise brief from Bench

what was the last thing you did? read About A Boy And His Briefs blog

what is right next to you? my ipod nano, a tumbler of water and a pile of paperwork

who was the last person you ate out with? my sister

if u were a toy, what would you be? a rubic cube, am complicated.

where would you want to go on your honeymoon? Paris, wish ko lang

who would you want to spend the rest of your life with? a man who I love slightly less than he loves me.

how many buddies do you have on your ym list? many, but I don’t know all of them.

hows the weather right now? warm and clear

last person you spoke to on the phone? my staff

last person who texted you? the person I sent a message wrongly asking who am I.

last person you texted? my staff

whats your ring tone? a beep.

do you like the person who sent this to you? I stole it, but definitely an interesting blog site

what do you think a toblerone is? that prism shaped chocolate.

age? 34.

hair? short, wavy and black.

what are you wearing right now? office uniform

do you wear contacts? nope

what college do/did you attend? a college enclosed inside sturdy walls built during the 18th century.

who do consider your closest/bestest friends? “A”

what was the best advice ever given to you? life is short, don’t waste it.

do you own a vehicle? nope.

have you ever won a special award? yeah, employee of the year.

what are your future plans? aren’t all plans future?

favorite food. numerous to list.

favorite film? a lot to recall, but mostly romantic comedies.

last film you saw at cinema? 300.

favorite day of the year? my birthday

do you like to dance? a lot.

are you too shy to ask anyone out? a bit.

do you sleep naked? Yep.

what is the most stupid thing you have ever done? since you learn from everything, nothing you do is truly stupid. (well, unless you do it twice.)

do you like scary or happy movies? Happy.

christmas or easter? Christmas

lust or love? Lust for now, love forever.

kisses or hugs? Deep, slightly sloppy kisses and a lot of hugs

if you could change one thing, what would it be? nothing really, my life is a journey of ups and downs, I love it.

color are your pajamas? skin toned

what color’s your toothbrush? blue and white.

what do you think of this survey? tiring.

do you want your friends to write back? not required.

who is the most likely to respond? not going to put anyone on spot by sending it out. But anyone who reads is free to take it.

who is the least likely to respond? see above.

worst feeling in the world? being left

worst sound? my snoring

whats the first thing you think of when you wake up? another day, another chance

roller coaster, scary or exciting? exciting

how many times do you let the phone ring before you answer it? people count this??

if you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? my dad and madonna

if you could have any job in the world what would it be? a travel writer.

what are you thinking right now? my balls itch.

is the glass half empty or half full? always half full

whats your fave number? 5

something nice about the person who sent this to you? I stole it, didn’t I?

what do you prefer dark or fair? does not matter

does size matter? not to me.

most important physical feature? there’s no “most important,” but I do love the good physique

day or night? both.

cake or pie? cake.

silver or gold? silver seems classier to me

diamonds or pearls? not a jewelry person

sunrise or sunset? sunrise is always a new beginning

have you ever broken a bone? nope.

do you hate anyone? nope

what do you dream about? I travel in my dreams a lot.

do you have a huge crush on someone right now? yeah, leandro okabe…drools…..

who do you turn to for advice? generally try to work it out myself instead of bothering others with my problems

if you could have one skill in life, what would it be? would rather just improve the skills I do have

your favorite place to shop? Bench

what scares you? getting too close to someone and losing them.

what are you listening to right now? Irreplaceable by Beyonce

do you want to get married? I don’t want ceremony or even rings. Just a mutual understanding.

favorite color? Blue

favorite subject at school? Literature

favorite music album? Affirmation by Savage Garden

favorite animal? Dogs and Fish

have you ever given someone a bath? Yes. Both practically and sensually.

bunjee jumped? Nope. Soon.

have you ever broken the law? Yes.

gone skinny dipping? Regularly.

word association.

zebra: stripes.

socks: smelly

stupid: cute

silly: funny.

red: intense.

fish: elusive.

space: freedom

home: heart.


Blogger angeL said...

hey i like this survey... can you give it to me so i wont have to put i stole it in the other questions of the survey??? =)

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm...when you copied this survey from my blog, you also kept ALOT of MY answers.

The point of things like this is to give YOUR OWN answers. That's how people find out about you.

You didn't even change the link I had to one of my previous posts.

1:44 PM  

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