Monday, October 16, 2006


The Angel of Discernment. The greatest gift the Divine Maker gave to us is the power to decide what is good and what is bad for us. To know what is harmful and beneficial. What is right and what is wrong.

It is in this power that God cannot touch us. Free Will as it is often called. It is in making a decision and reaping the consequences.

Of course, God would want us to be always on the good side. But it is up to us which path to take. He lay down all there is to undertand, it is how we take it which makes the difference.

Discernment is a process that over time gives us clarity about the path we might follow.

Discernment flows naturally from our spirit.

There are methods and means that the Spirit of God works through us to help us discern. In all matters, the Spirit is at work nudging us, leading us. We sift and sort what is of God and what is not. Discernment isn't usually a sudden zap from beyond, but something that emerges after prayer, listening to our own inner life. We pay attention to our feelings and questions, our inclinations and ideas.


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