Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The ABC Of Me

A - Anything goes as long as it is fun and worth trying for.
B - Better Person - am trying to be the better person in any situation.
C - Care too much, sometimes I do and they took advantage.
D - Devil in me, careful though, it might come out and hurt you.
E - Ego, I do have mine. I am human, but I keep it inside a box, inside a drawer, locked inside my head.
F - Friendships, that I value so much. I have but a few, but I will treasure them forever.
G - Good days, I long for. I always look forward to good days, no matter how bad today is.
H - Hope, that everything will be alright in the end. It's what keeps me going and what motivates me to take risks.
I - I am what I am. Love me or hate me.
J - Justice. I would love to see justice served at all circumstances, to be fair and equal, despite the status, appearance and personality.
K - Kindness. Being nice is a blessing, but to be kind is godly.
L - Love. Encompasses everything there is worth living for.
M - Memories. I am sentimental. I am fond of remembering moments especially if that moment brought out the best in me.
N - Nice, I like nice people. In a world full of shit, nice people are always a blessing.
O - Out, I am out, to my family and friends.
P - Passionate. I am a passionate person both with relationship and whatever I put my mind into.
Q - Quiet. I tend to be quiet, especially when I am mad, hurting and lonesome.
R - Rest. Working hard pay the bills and buy good things. But resting is priceless, don't hesitate whenever you get the chance. Life is to be savoured not laboured.
S - Sex. Ain't it a great thing?
T - Trust. Not the rubber, but the real thing. It's is a peace of mind over someone and something.
U - Us. Always us. Together, never you or I. Together is better than being alone.
V - Vanity, my favorite sin.
W - Waste. There's no sense in regretting wasted time and effort when you had the chance to choose wisely on that particular moment.
X - XXX, my hobby. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Y - Yahweh, God, the Creator should always be first in everything we do.
Z - Zzzzz. After all this...another favorite hobby...sleeping, and I wish with someone to hug.


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