Friday, May 25, 2007
Paris Hilton

I never really got interested with Paris Hilton. Though beautiful and rich that she is. She really can do anything she wants in all craziness and all. The most talked about and photographed person in the U.S.
But lately the news turned around for her, instead of the usual antics that she does, she is now facing jail because of driving under the influence of alcohol and an expired license.
Well, it just shows that money can't buy everything even freedom.
But what got me interested was her venture into singing and her music which I guess the GREATEST THING SHE DID, in my opinion.
I like the songs "Nothing In This World" and "Stars Are Blind." Not only because of their catchy lyrics which is quite good, the melody was a-OK. I always listen to the music in my IPOD and sometimes I get to dance to the beat.
It goes also to say that there are always good the comes out of bad situation, or person for that matter.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Pinoy Gay Blogs
Hopefully they approve. It will be a good thing for I can be visited by other gay bloggers and fellow Pinoys at that. Isn't that neat?
Check Pinoy Gay Blogs and there are a lot of interesting things there:
and enjoy!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
St. Aelred of Rievaulx

St. Aelred on the Need for Intimate Companionship
"It is no small consolation in this life to have someone you can unite with you in an intimate affection and the embrace of a holy love, someone in whom your spirit can rest, to whom you can pour out your soul, to whose pleasant exchanges, as to soothing songs, you can fly in sorrow... with whose spiritual kisses, as with remedial salves, you may draw out all the weariness of your restless anxieties. A man who can shed tears with you in your worries, be happy with you when things go well, search out with you the answers to your problems, whom with the ties of charity you can lead into the depths of your heart; ... where the sweetness of the Spirit flows between you, where you so join yourself and cleave to him that soul mingles with soul and two become one."
St. Aelred was supposedly the patron saint of gay men and women.
The Guardian Angel Of Service
The Guardian Angel Of Service, I am not in the mood to finish work today. I don't know, maybe because I keep doing the same things everyday, six days a week for the last six years.
But this angel told me to go on, do whatever it is I supposed to do. That this job is still the best job for me, for now anyway.
Though my feeling that I had given all my best, my talents, my energy, my all to this job, and it seemed I cannot give more, still I had to go on.
Until the time comes, maybe and hopefully soon another opportunity might come.
Dear God, show me the way.
Ghost Whisperer

I am really in the mood for DVD marathon lately, after viewing 9 episodes of Supernatural season 2, I went on with Jennifer Love Hewitt's Ghost Whisperer.
Melinda Gordon (Jennifer) is a young wife who has this gift of seeing spirits of people who died but not yet crossed over. She helped these spirits finished their "unfinished" business so that both the spirit and the people they left behind could go on. The series touches a lot of emotions, I for one can't help shed a tear or two.
I can only recall my father who died 8 years ago and I wonder whether he is at peace now. Though I certainly believe he is, but I still get to have this feeling that he is around (which I wish) for there are a lot of things I would like to tell him.
You see, my father and I had this wall between us. That no matter how he breaks them, I keep on building it. It was the ONLY REGRET in my life. I didn't have the chance to tell him HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM and HOW PROUD I AM THAT I AM HIS SON.
He was a policeman, a good one at that. Honorable, kind, yet stern. Loving, yet strict. I was a rebel, always doing things that I believe was right and which was totally against his belief.
That was our conflict. But everything was replaced with missing and longing when he was gone. I miss his presence. I miss making coffee for him and fetching the morning paper. I miss him coming home late at night with "pasalubong" at hand and he would wake up everybody and we would share it. I miss our arguements. I miss him so much. I long for his words of wisdom. I long for his embrace. It is his birthday on Friday, May 18. He would be 59, I think.
I can't forget the last time we had a moment. He is kind of tipsy from a drinking session with his friends at our garage in our house in Tondo. He went inside for the restroom, but before going to the restroom, he has to pass by the living room where I was watching TV. He stopped in the middle of the room and called me.
"Jon, anak." smiling at me.
"Po." "Lika nga rito, halika dito." he said.
I stood up, kinda irritated cause I am watching a favorite show. I approached him. When I was about a foot away from him, he raised his arms and put his hands over my shoulders.
"Anak, ang laki-laki mo na. Parang kailan lang. Ang bilis ng panahon." I just smiled.
Then he hugged me tight. Kissed

"Lam mo ba, ikaw ang panganay ko? Ikaw ang kaganapan ng aking pagkatao. Yung mga kapatid mo? Dumating na lang yan para may makasama ka. Pero ikaw ang bumuo sa aking pagkatao." He hugged me again and let me go.
He then smiled at me and went to the restroom. I was left there standing for a while, waiting for it to sink in. But it did not. I fought it. I went back to watching my favorite show.
A few weeks later. He died.
We had that moment. I let it pass by. I still cry when I recall that moment. That was the last time felt his warmth.
If only I knew a Melinda who could see spirits, I would give anything just to have another chance to talk with my father, for I would really like to let him know how I love him.
They say, we can only know the worth of a person when that person is gone and I learned that one should never let a moment pass by without letting them know how much they meant to you.
The Ghost Whisperer tackle these issues, and Melissa connects people and spirits for the last time before letting healing comes in. I do would like to know if he really is happy now and at peace. I can only wait for a clue. It is only then that I can really let go.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I've always been a fan of the supernatural, ghosts, elementals, and of the beyond. This fascination was brought about by experiences that happen once in while that has something to do with the paranormal. I've seen a ghost, an elemental, I felt a presence, I sort of predict something that is yet to happen and it did happen, I read cards, I felt a connection towards certain people.
But I often disregard such experiences for deep inside me, I get scared. As much as I want to get "attuned" by nerves get to me first. I believe in God the Creator, but I also believe in these things.
My belief is that these things are part of us, and part of the so called divine design. Our paranormal capabilities are part of us, each of us has this. Sometimes they are called, concience, gut feeling, a goosebump, or more likely a hunch.
But these are real. I am a fan of a TV series called SUPERNATURAL, about two brothers who are searching for their father and their only clue is their father's journal that was left to them. The journal contains all there is, facts and

It was really a nice series, there are scary moments which surprises at times. Makes you jump off your seat. My nieces watch with me, while they held their pillows and use them to cover their faces when a scary scene is about to happen. I find it amusing and I realized, there's nothing really to be afraid of. We are scared because we chose to. Or, we don't know anything about something.
We get afraid over something that we don't have knowledge of. But once we get to know it, our fear disappears and only understanding remains.
I am now starting my DVD marathon with Season 2 of the series. Here's to the unknown.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Enter You
In the coziness of my bedroom, while arm around each other, we watch TRICK.
A poignant movie about a "trick" or one night stand that developed into something more than expected. Starring Christian Campbell (Neve Campbell's youngest brother) who is so cute as Gabriel and J. Pitoc as Mark, a hunky guy who appeared in Six Feet Under.
A musical songwriter and a go-go boy, by twist of fate met and tried to get on each other's pants. However, as the night went on, they just can't find the "proper" place to do it. Anyway, it includes Tori Spelling as Katherine, of the Beverly 90210 fame, who is an annoying bestfriend (fag hag) to Christian Campbell. There is a song sung by Tori Spelling, supposedly a new composition by Christian Campbell.
It is this song that endeared the movie to me, as well as an innocent presentation of a budding first love between the two guys. (Like I am also on the verge of having a new person in my life.) It is catchy and the lyrics are very nice and it's aptly titled ENTER YOU.
I've heard that all the world's a stage
And we are only players acting out some predetermined page
But it is lonely as can be
With nobody opposite me... Then...
Enter you - Voila it's showtime
You brought the house down with a dance and a dumb ditty
Enter you - In less than no time
This ugly drama has become pretty
Up went the curtain,
My lines felt wrong
Intermission seemed so far away
The plot uncertain,
The scenes too long
Life was like an uninspiring play
But now you're here - We meet stage center
I thought my storyline was through
Then enter you
Now you're here - We meet stage center
I thought my storyline was through
Then from the blue
Enter you
Like the song, I met this guy in an unexpected manner and something just sparked along the course of our meeting and here's to hoping.
How Many Times
It has a lot of ups and downs. I am looking forward to more actually cause I find these worthwhile.
How many times in our lives do we take the wrong turn and end up heartbroken?
Countless I guess, but do we stop? No. We take risks, we hit the road and go on a joyride. Doesn't really matter where the twist and turns may lead. The important thing is we tried. We mostly fail, but we tried and the lessons are very precious.
How many times in our lives do we take the right turn and feel the joy?
No so many I guess, for I believe we always take a lot of wrong turns before we find the right path to our happiness. One can only be content and true joy is for them to keep together with peace of mind.
How many times do we love and lost?
It is rare for people to find their love for the first time. The person to grow old with and spend the rest of our lives. But loving and losing is part of our existence. the joy and the pain of loving and losing work hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other and that's what makes it worth figthing for.
How many times do we meet success and failures?
A lot! The important thing is how you deal with it. If success is on the rise, savor the moment but do not forget the reasons and the people who helped you achieve it. In failing, it does not really matter if you pull yourself together and stand up from your fall with dignity and the thought that tomorrow will be another day, another chance, another opportunity to be the best you can be.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Samuel Chotebundit - Hunk 2
Coming Out

I sent an email to my relatives through our yahoo group yesterday. The email contained a message of outing and a link to this blog site.
I told my relatives that it is time to get to know the real me.
You see , I am out to my siblings and mom, friends and colleagues.
But not really with my relatives, uncles, aunties, cousins and all. I feel that it is just as fair to let them know.
When I joined Mr. Gay Philippines, it is also my way of telling them. I took a risk there, and so far all am getting are warm welcome from people.
I still am waiting for any response from them. I only hope that it will be a positive one.
In any case, it doesn't matter really.
Though it would be nice knowing that they are fine about it.
I am still the same nephew and cousin they knew through the years.
My orientation has nothing to do with them. It is mine alone.
I just want to be totally free to be myself and let the light shine ever so brigthly inside my closet.
Then You Look At Me

I already heard this song before, from the movie BiCentennial Man starring Robin Williams. It never struck me then. Until now, when a friend reintroduced the song to me. Sung by one of the most beautiful voices we have today, Celine Dion.
As I listened intently, I get to feel the emotion one can get from someone who loves you dearly. Just one look and everything is alright. One look and you know you're safe. And from a look you get to see a future full of love and hope.
I am getting romantic these days. Unfortunately and sadly, my OOA (Object of Affection) will be leaving by tomorrow to work overseas and we never get to know each other too deeply.
He told me, whenever he sleeps over, that he watches me sleep during the night. He just stare at my face and sometimes run his fingers gently over my cheeks and forehead. Gently brushing some hairs off. How sweet can you get? I will miss him so much.
Here goes...
Laugh and cry, live and die
Life is a dream we are dreaming
Day by day I find my way
Look for the soul and the meaning
Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore
People run, sun to sun
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun, life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going
Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore
And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
Though lost I have been
I'll find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes from you... from you
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Survey
what is your full name? charlemagne
nicknames? carlo, charlie, charles, magno, baby, dahling, pssst!
where do you live? kawit,
what color underwear are you wearing right now? blue low rise brief from Bench
what was the last thing you did? read About A Boy And His Briefs blog
what is right next to you? my ipod nano, a tumbler of water and a pile of paperwork
who was the last person you ate out with? my sister
if u were a toy, what would you be? a rubic cube, am complicated.
where would you want to go on your honeymoon?
who would you want to spend the rest of your life with? a man who I love slightly less than he loves me.
how many buddies do you have on your ym list? many, but I don’t know all of them.
hows the weather right now? warm and clear
last person you spoke to on the phone? my staff
last person who texted you? the person I sent a message wrongly asking who am I.
last person you texted? my staff
whats your ring tone? a beep.
do you like the person who sent this to you? I stole it, but definitely an interesting blog site
what do you think a toblerone is? that prism shaped chocolate.
age? 34.
hair? short, wavy and black.
what are you wearing right now? office uniform
do you wear contacts? nope
what college do/did you attend? a college enclosed inside sturdy walls built during the 18th
who do consider your closest/bestest friends? “A”
what was the best advice ever given to you? life is short, don’t waste it.
do you own a vehicle? nope.
have you ever won a special award? yeah, employee of the year.
what are your future plans? aren’t all plans future?
favorite food. numerous to list.
favorite film? a lot to recall, but mostly romantic comedies.
last film you saw at cinema? 300.
favorite day of the year? my birthday
do you like to dance? a lot.
are you too shy to ask anyone out? a bit.
do you sleep naked? Yep.
what is the most stupid thing you have ever done? since you learn from everything, nothing you do is truly stupid. (well, unless you do it twice.)
do you like scary or happy movies? Happy.
christmas or easter? Christmas
lust or love? Lust for now, love forever.
kisses or hugs? Deep, slightly sloppy kisses and a lot of hugs
if you could change one thing, what would it be? nothing really, my life is a journey of ups and downs, I love it.
color are your pajamas? skin toned
what color’s your toothbrush? blue and white.
what do you think of this survey? tiring.
do you want your friends to write back? not required.
who is the most likely to respond? not going to put anyone on spot by sending it out. But anyone who reads is free to take it.
who is the least likely to respond? see above.
worst feeling in the world? being left
worst sound? my snoring
whats the first thing you think of when you wake up? another day, another chance
roller coaster, scary or exciting? exciting
how many times do you let the phone ring before you answer it? people count this??
if you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? my dad and madonna
if you could have any job in the world what would it be? a travel writer.
what are you thinking right now? my balls itch.
is the glass half empty or half full? always half full
whats your fave number? 5
something nice about the person who sent this to you? I stole it, didn’t I?
what do you prefer dark or fair? does not matter
does size matter? not to me.
most important physical feature? there’s no “most important,” but I do love the good physique
day or night? both.
cake or pie? cake.
silver or gold? silver seems classier to me
diamonds or pearls? not a jewelry person
sunrise or sunset? sunrise is always a new beginning
have you ever broken a bone? nope.
do you hate anyone? nope
what do you dream about? I travel in my dreams a lot.
do you have a huge crush on someone right now? yeah, leandro okabe…drools…..
who do you turn to for advice? generally try to work it out myself instead of bothering others with my problems
if you could have one skill in life, what would it be? would rather just improve the skills I do have
your favorite place to shop? Bench
what scares you? getting too close to someone and losing them.
what are you listening to right now? Irreplaceable by Beyonce
do you want to get married? I don’t want ceremony or even rings. Just a mutual understanding.
favorite color? Blue
favorite subject at school? Literature
favorite music album? Affirmation by
favorite animal? Dogs and Fish
have you ever given someone a bath? Yes. Both practically and sensually.
bunjee jumped? Nope. Soon.
have you ever broken the law? Yes.
gone skinny dipping? Regularly.
word association.
zebra: stripes.
socks: smelly
stupid: cute
silly: funny.
red: intense.
fish: elusive.
space: freedom
home: heart.
Ode To Mango Ice Cream

My 7th birthday.
My First Communion
My Boy Scout Investitute Ceremony
My Elementary Graduation
My High School Graduation
My College Years
During my birthday
And whenever I fancy something cold and creamy.
Current beau’s anniversary.
Not to mention my parent’s anniversary and whenever I have a say on what flavor of ice cream to buy at my siblings, nephew’s, nieces’, in-laws’ birthdays too.
Mango Ice Cream, any brand will do.
There are break-ups and reconciliations over mango ice cream, love blooms also over mango ice cream. I heard and listened to a lot of stories about life and heartaches from friends and acquaintances while eating this flavorful dessert.
During summer whenever I went on vacation at my cousin’s Mango Ice Cream was also present.
Whenever I am not in the mood, or if I am in the mood.
Whenever I am lonely, or I am happy.
During my father’s wake when he passed away, and to make me remember him by, Mango Ice Cream.
Mango Ice Cream…I think I’ll have some today. My mouth waters.
New Beginnings
I consulted my Angel cards this morning and I ask for an insight on a certain issue that I have been going through.
You see, a special person is leaving and I feel like we were never given enough time to really get to know each other and develop the friendship into a much, much deeper level.
But I told him that we will try to continue what we have for as long as we can. Long distance relationship is really hard, especially for me when I am a physical person. I love the intimacy and the togetherness.
My angel showed me this card, The Guardian Angel of Children.
In the Bible, Jesus called the children around him and played with them, and told the people, we should be like the children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Of course, not in a literal sense for that would be absurd. It is the enthusiasm for things, to explore new horizons, new beginnings and doing it with heart.
I feel like my angel is telling me to begin to cherish this new relationship and work at it with my heart. To try to accept the situation and work on it with excitement and love.
Everyone has this inner child inside, longing to be loved and cared for, mine is yearning.
I just have to open the door and let someone's love in and hold my inner child in his arms.
Take Time To
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
10,000th Hit
Thank you to all browsers who find my blog interesting enough. I just hope it touches your lives in one way or another. I try to make it as honest as I can and please bear with me when times are rough, join me in my times of joy and comfort me when times are bad.
Keep visiting and there's more to come!
Love you all!
Monday, May 07, 2007
My First Boracay Trip
I had an opportunity to go to Boracay with some friends and it was a memorable time indeed.
We took the long way, by bus through RORO and it feels like we were in an AMAZING RACE game.
It was a 12 hour travel, tiring but fun.
When we reached Boracay, I was greeted by white, fine sand beach and crystal clear waters.
It was breathaking, serene, and so relaxing.
It was my first time to go sunbathing, as in. For I do not really stay under the sun that long, but the beach is so inviting and almost everyone is lying on the sand and cots, basking and getting their tans.
And I got mine. I love my color, light brown to golden.
Feels like a new me.
We stayed in a beachfront room just a few steps away from the beach. We had fun walking to the "talipapa" and an open-aired "mall."
We ate grilled seafoods and meat.
But mostly, we just bummed around. Lay on the plastic cots under big umbrellas and sleep by the beach while my hand IPOD played some groovy music in my ears.
Every late afternoon we spread our mat on a secluded part of the beach among the rocks and talk about a lot of things, and I get to know my friends more. When one late afternoon just when its about to get dark, we were surprised by sea snake trying to cross its way along the sand towards the beach. We all got scared but laugh at it in the end.
My first Boracay trip, truly a memorable experience indeed.